Broyhill Family History

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Broughill Women
    No references have been found to women who carried the Broughill name during the colonial period, but the English language was then going through many changes and illiteracy was widespread. That resulted in many variant spellings of surnames.  Two similar surnames have been found, both in locations were Broughills are known to have lived.  

Betty Branghile

 As Caroline's Church Parish Records have long disappeared, no record has been found of William's marriage. However, the Will of Edward Goode of Caroline County was made 28 March 1763, and probated in Williamsburg and thus escaped destruction. One of the witnesses was Betty Branghile. Caroline County Records list only one surname even close in appearance to Branghile and it, of course, is Broughill. Betty may have been William's wife, his daughter, or daughter-in-law. No further reference has been found to her.

Ann Broughill

      On November 21, 1727, Ann Brohill signed an Essex County Deed between Henry Adcocke and John Adcocke, both of the Parish of Southfarnham. Although this provides no genealogical information, it does establish her presence in the same time and place as Aaron Broughill. Could she have been his wife?